• Tansform

    The Sustainable Food Systems for Rural Agriculture Transformation and Resilience Programme (TRANSFORM) is being implemented by Point of Progress over a period of 5 years (2020-2025) with support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy through the Development Fund of Norway. The programme is coordinated by a consortium of three Norwegian organisations namely; the Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), the Development Fund of Norway (DF) and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

    Implementation of TRANSFORM is through various partners that are spread in 5 districts of Rumphi, Mzimba, Kasungu, Dowa and Mchinji. Currently, Point of Progress is implementing its activities jointly with Biodiversity Conservation Initiative (BCI) in Rumphi, Find Your Feet (FYF) in Mzimba North, Total Land Care (TLC) in Kasungu and Trustees for Agriculture Promotion Program (TAPP) in Dowa. Across the spectrum, Point of Progress’ role is to promote participation of youth and women in the TRANSFORM program.

    The program's goal is to assist smallholder farmers in Malawi achieve better income, food, and nutrition security through sustainable agricultural transformation. The emphasis is on enhancing lucrative market access and entrepreneurship, which is outcome 3 of the TRANSFORM program's four outcomes. Point of Progress has been tasked with implementing outcome 3 activities, with a focus on mobilizing youth and women for market access and value addition activities.

    The program aims to provide the youth and women with skills and knowledge on how to manage their ecological and food systems. Point of Progress is engaging CSOs, public and private partners in its programming. District councils are engaged where various functions including the District Youth Officers, Gender Officers, and Agribusiness Officers among others have provided their support in the implementation of activities to ensure sustainability. The organization is also linking youth to cooperatives in order to enable them fully participate in various value chains for their economic empowerment.


    Malawi-Mozambique Climate Smart Agriculture (MAMO) Program, Phase II is a 4 year (2021 – 2025) program implemented by Point of Progress with the support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy (RNE) through the Development Fund of Norway (DF). The program seeks to improve rural households' resilience to the effects of climate change through the use of climate smart agriculture and the development of small and medium enterprises.

    Point of Progress is implementing MAMO jointly with Biodiversity Conservation Initiative in Mzimba South and Heifer International in Machinga. Point of Progress is mobilizing young people by employing the Young Women Can Do It approach to reach out to program participants with interventions on nutrition and hygiene, climate-adapted communities, and business development support.

    The programme promotes entrepreneurship activities among youth and women in both Machinga and Mzimba South. Groups and individuals have made significant success with income creation activities, as indicated by the growth of their portfolios. The organizations are involved in a variety of activities, including rice farming, sunflower oil processing, banana plantation, and animal husbandry.